Friday, April 24, 2009

Exercise And Asthma

If you suffer from asthma, you probably think that you can't exercise properly or safely. Contrary to what many think of this subject, there are ways that you can get in shape and exercise, even if you suffer from asthma.

Asthma is a chronic lung disease that is marked by characteristics such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness. Asthma tends to occur with people who are genetically or environmentally presdisposed to the condition.

Some of the triggers that may start or make an attack worse include exposure to allergens, viral respiratory infections, airway irritants, exercise, and exposure to things such as dust mites or cockroaches.

You can prevent asthma attacks by doing the following:

1. Bathe your pets weekly.
2. Don't smoke or permit smoking in your home.
3. When mold or pollent counts are high, you should stay inside with air conditioning.
4. Wash your bedding and any stuffed toys at least once per week in hot water.
5. Wash your hands every chance you get.
6. Get a flu shot.
7. Wear a scarf over your mouth and nose in the winter months.
8. Be proactive and know your triggers and how you should avoid them.

Now that you know what you know about asthma, you may be wondering where exercise fits in. As most doctors will tell you, you shouldn't give up on sports or exercise at all. You just have to be smart about how you play and take special precautions to avoid attacks.

Almost all doctors agree that the best way to prevent attacks during exercise is to keep your inhaler and medication close by. You should never use the inhaler more than 3 times during a game or exercise session. If you are up the previous night with coughing and wheezing, it's always best to go light with your exercise the next day.

For something known as IEA (Exercise Induced Asthma), the symptoms are somewhat different, in the fact that they appear after 6 - 10 minutes of exercise and will often be worse in cold or dry air.

If you have IEA, there are several activities that you can enjoy such as swimming, walking, biking, downhill skiing, and team based sports. There are many activities for you to choose from, to ensure you get the exercise you need as well.

Keep in mind that the condition of asthma isn't "all in your head", it is a real physiological medical treatment that will require treatment to prevent and treat. Even though your doctor will be your best friend in treating asthma, you are the one who can prevent your symptoms.

Always be smart, take your medication, and be proactive. Don't let it put you in a life of misery - as you can enjoy exercise just like everyone else.

Fight Stress With Healthy Eating

Whenever we get too busy or stressed, we all tend to make poor food choices that will actually increase stress and cause other problems. To get the most of your healthy eating and avoid stress, follow these simple tips.

Always eat breakfast
Even though you may think you aren't hungry, you need to eat something. Skipping breakfast makes it harder to maintain the proper blood and sugar levels during the day, so you should always eat something.

Carry a snack
Keeping some protein rich snacks in your car, office, or pocket book will help you avoid blood sugar level dips, the accompanying mood swings, and the fatigue. Trail mix, granola bars, and energy bars all have the nutrients you need.

Healthy munchies
If you like to munch when you're stressed out, you can replace chips or other non healthy foods with carrot sticks, celery sticks, or even sunflower seeds.

Bring your lunch
Although a lot of people prefer to eat fast food for lunch, you can save a lot of money and actually eat healthier if you take a few minutes and pack a lunch at home. Even if you only do this a few times a week, you'll see a much better improvement over eating out.

Stock your home
As important as it is to get the bad food out of your house, it's even more important to get the good food in! The best way to do this is to plan a menu of healthy meals at snacks at the beginning of the week, list the ingedients you need, then go shop for it. This way, you'll know what you want when you need it and you won't have to stress over what to eat.

The Art Of Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient martial art, one that was practiced for centuries in China as an exercise, a martial art, and a way to improve the internal flow of energy in the body. It emphasis correct form and feeling with each and every movement, which is why it is always taught to be practiced in a slow and gentle fashion.

By involving the entire body with little to no impact, Tai Chi promotes strength, flexibility, and stamina. With the entire body being taught to move as a whole, Tai Chi cultivates the link among the mind and the body, helping to enhance one’s coordination and balance. It can also help with the joints as well, especially if an individual is very stiff in the joints.

Although it was developed to be a martial art, it involves very little striking, offensive, or even defense techniques. Tai Chi is a movement and breathing art that works all of the major muscles and joints in the body, helping to circulate internal energy, or chi. The Chinese believe that internal energy, or chi is what prevents or stops diseases.

When practicing the art, the body will remain very soft and relaxed, just like it was suspended from the top of the head with the joints being similar to that of a puppet. The mind of the student is focused on each movement, focusing on the flow of energy. By being relaxed and focused, you allow the energy to flow through your entire body.

Even though you are soft and relaxed, you are still constantly moving. The energy that flows through your body never stops, it keeps you moving. When you move in reality, it takes little to no energy to make a movement. By using your chi, everything you do seems as if it is weightless.

In combat, the Tai Chi student uses his opponent’s energy against him. The stylist is very relaxed, believing that the energy of the opponent can be used against him. There is little to no strength involved. When the opponent becomes weak and tires himself out - the stylist attacks. This way, there is very little energy left for defense or even attacking.

Tai Chi is one of the oldest styles of martial arts, and one of the hardest to find these days. Just like other martial arts, such as Tiger Claw and Ninjutsu, it can be very hard to find a dojo that teaches the art. If you can find a dojo that teaches the art of Tai Chi, you really shouldn’t pass it up. It can teach you a lot about internal energy and your spiritual well being - learning more about yourself than you ever thought possible in the process.

How To Vacuum

To maintain the look, feel, and appearance of your carpet you'll need to vacuum on a regular basis. If you are new to vacuuming, you'll find the tips below to help you when it comes to keeping your home clean:

1. Before you start, you should always inspect the area. Pick up any objects that could cause your vacuum cleaner to clog up. The smaller objects are fine, just as long as they will pass through the vacuum.

2. You should check the vacuum bag to ensure that is isn't full already. If it is full, you should go ahead and change it. A full bag isn't going to suck up much dirt, as the power will be greatly reduced due to the bag taking up a great deal of storage and limiting the suction.

3. You should always vacuum forwards instead of going backwards. Going forward will get the job done quicker and you won't wear your cord out near as fast. When going backwards, you also run the risk of running back over your cord, which is something you don't want to do.

4. Be sure that you overlap your strokes to ensure that you get out all of the dirt and the residue. You don't want to miss any of the carpet, which is why it is important that you overlap your strokes.

5. You should change your vacuuming direction on occasion to reduce any type of matting in your carpet. You can change direction without any problems. Doing this every time you make a sweep on the carpet or every other time you vacuum will be good.

6. On corners, use a damp cloth or a crevice tool attachment that hooks up to your vacuum cleaner. This will ensure that you get the corners and tight areas good, and they don't stand out from the rest of the carpet.

7. You can get rid of dust particles and dirt by waving a vacuum wand under your bed. Doing so on occasion will ensure that your bedroom stays clean, and smells clean as well.

For kitty litter on carpets or floors, you should use a lightweight vacuum cleaner. To get deep into the fibers of the carpet, you should try an upright vacuum cleaner with a power brush. Kitty litter can be a pain in the neck if it gets crushed in the pile or embedded, which is why you should get it out as quick as you can.

Give some thought to purchasing a vacuum cleaner with a rotating brush or combination beater and brush bar, which will loosen up the dirt in the carpet and then suck it out. This will beat the dirt from the fibers and even embedded dirt, which will leave your carpet clean and smelling great.

Whenever you vacuum, you should always be on the lookout for straw, thread, and string as it can trap debris in the vacuum hose and result in a clog. These types of hazards are also bad for the agitators as well, as they can clog up the suction as well, or get tangled up in the agitators and cause more problems.

If you have pets, you should sprinkle some baking soda on the carpet before you vacuum. Let it sit for a little while, then vacuum. The baking soda is a lot cheaper than carpet fresheners and it does the same thing - only better.

Vacuuming is very easy to do, and it's something that should be done on a regular basis. You don't have to be an expert to vacuum, all you have to do is make an effort. Your carpet will look good all the time, and your house will stay smelling great - which is reason enough to grab the vacuum and take a trip through the house with it.

Paintball Basics

Paintball is a safe, simple yet challenging and strategic sport that is played usually by two teams, each with at least two players. Adults and kids alike enjoy this sport as they often refer to it as an advanced or improvised game of tag.

Tournaments attract many spectators of all ages, as it is a very exciting game to watch.

Paintball games are of various types, however, the most popular game often played is called "capture the flag". The object or the goal of this game is for teams to advance to the opponent’s base, move the other team’s flag to its destined location, at the same time guarding your own flag.

The paintball field has many obstacles such as tires, forts, old cars, hay and the newest are “inflatables” that are constructed as refuge for team players; making the game all the more exciting, as if participating in an actual game of war in videos.

When one is hit, it can hurt briefly and at times give players bruises. Players are typically required to be in long sleeves shirt and pants, making sure that the color is not be identical as that of the judge and complete paintball gear such as mask, helmet and goggles for safety.

The sport of paintball has a distinct and accurate set of rules that are strictly followed. The producer of the tournament is the absolute authority in regard to either an alteration or addition to the rules; marshals oversee the event, and their decision is always final. No dispute on the paintball field is accommodated or entertained.

A military approach to paintball is useless, as that knowledge is recognized and understood by the teams. A team’s tactic should be carefully planned; your team’s line of attack will not be known by the opposing team, and there should be a quick switch of plans in case something goes wrong.

There must be a lot of team work involved, as everyone moves through the field. As a team member moves, there should be others to guard and keep watch and give off covering shots when necessary. A team that moves together with a common objective will have a great chance of succeeding in this game.

Communication in the field is also very important. A team-mate can shout the position of the opponent. The moment that a player is seen, the game for that player is up; so there is no reason for you to keep quite; instead, inform the others the location of the enemy.

The excitement of this game concludes when you are seen and eliminated - a situation that all team players struggle to avoid.

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, is just a three hours journey from New Delhi, the capital of India. It has been one of the most attractive tourist spots in India for foreigners for years. Taj Mahal, the “best-ever symbol of eternal love” stands on the bank of river Jamuna at Agra, in the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Taj Mahal, one of India's best architectural wonders was built by the fifth Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan in 1631 in the memory of his second wife, Arjumand Banu who was later known as Mumtaz Mahal, (The meaning of the word Mumtaz Mahal is the Distinguished of the Palace).

Taj, the famous dome rests on a huge white marble terrace rising from a high red sandstone base (186x186 feet ) is flanked by four tapering minarets. Shahjahan consulted experts from the Middle East and Europe as he planned his legacy, which took Twenty Thousand people over Twenty-Two years to build. Cheap Travel modes are available to reach Taj Mahal, which used to serve as a wide moat defense of the Great Red Fort of Agra, the capital of the Mughal empire in those days.

Three names pop up as the designer of Taj Mahal, Geronimo Veroneo an Italian, Silversmith Austin de Bordeaux – French and Ustad Ahmad - the Persian Engineer cum Astrologer. It is heard that materials were collected from various corners of the world, like hills of Markana, Chinese Turkestan, Tibet, Burma, Afghanistan, Egypt and the Himalayas.

Cheap Travel Packages are available to intrude into the thrilling interior of this magnificent Mughal architecture, which comprises a domed ceiling, lofty central chamber, four octagonal corner rooms, the cenotaphs of Sha Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal in the center, an ever-glowing Cairene lamp.

Despite the controversy, whether it’s a tomb or a Shiva Temple, known as Tejo Mahalaya (acquired by Shah Jahan from the then Maharaja of Jaipur), Taj sparkles when the white marble basks in the moonlight. One may stay at cheap travel hotels to witness this mesmerizing beauty especially on a full moon night.

Plan your journey through cheap travel to visit one of the world's most famous monuments, Taj Mahal, which has just celebrated its 350th birthday.

Taj Mahal is said to express the different moods of a woman. It looks pinkish in the morning, milky white in the evening and golden when the moon shines. So, the travel freaks and romantic couples planning their trip to India through cheap travel should not give the Taj a miss!


Roses are those small little wonderful miracles which do wonders of highest orders, which a million words can’t do. The flowers speak when the lips seal with emotions, which are so tough to put in words. The best of the gifts that one can give is roses, a bouquet or may be just a single bud of the flower that has not yet bloomed can unfurl the heart filled with emotions.

Rose can be said to be a synonym of love. The beauty of rose has always cast a spell on people which are strong enough to bind them in love bonds. Different colours of roses signify different feelings. A red rose has always been a sign of LOVE. The most romantic gift that two love birds can give is a red rose. Pink roses have always meant admiration and the yellow rose’s suit best to show the depth of a platonic love. White has been the choice of all the creative minds, showing peace, innocence and respect. And the best to show the passion which can drive one crazy is the orange colour. Roses have been the best choice of an artist who paints a thousand colours on his canvas to capture the beauty of all kinds, beauty of nature, beauty of women and beauty of minds.

The original name of rose (Aeolic wrodon) comes from the Persian name “vrda” which is “rhodon” in Greek. There are many species of roses, some are considered to be the wild species of roses. The records of different species of roses show that there are about 100 to 150 species, but the botanists claim that there are not as many as 150 species but it sums up around 100 species only.

There are two kinds of roses, the old roses which were discovered before 1867 and the modern roses which include Hybrid Teas, Floribundas and Grandifloras. The most lovable roses, the English roses, were created David Austin, an English rose hybridizer, in the year 1969. These roses are often called David Austin roses.

People are really fascinated about growing roses at home and make their home, heaven, where pretty flowers bloom and gives their lives new zing. But roses are that species of flower which is the most difficult to grow. They need high maintenance and proper regular care. Roses should be pruned just before the spring when the buds start appearing on the branches. The bushes and the dead branches should be cut in proper time; the shear used for cutting the braches should be sharpened. Roses need special care during the winters. They should be fed water often to keep them healthy, but watering should not be done directly and should be given very lightly.

Roses inspire the lover within everyone and this sheer love drives people crazy and they go about loving this flower by actually becoming the gardener, and growing roses at home or buying them from any florists shop. The florists go high in demand during special occasions like Christmas, Yew Year but also in off-season their business never witnesses any downfall. People buy it in every season and every occasion. This has become a very high-profile industry now, so big that there are many companies’ which has the business of selling bouquets of different styles specially made for special occasions on the net. People can now send bouquets of roses from one country to another, and these companies also make it possible of delivering the bouquets on the same date.

Fish As Pets - A Colorful Experience

If you want something new for your house, think about fish and aquariums… big aquariums, because they go with these times’ fashion. The little golden fish wondering alone around his bowl seems to be long forgotten.

Instead of the little bowl, there are now huge aquariums, mounted on the walls or even enclosed in them, containing lots of colored fish, sand, lights, little stones and aquatic vegetation. Optionally you can choose a little castle of house to make the décor unique and fantasy-lie. This idea has been adopted from restaurants, clubs or other public locations, but now it applies to homes of animal lovers, fish lovers especially.

You have decided to adopt fish because you like them or because you heard they bring prosperity and well-living to your life. Either way, you have to know how to take care of them because they are not just a decorative object; they are living beings that can’t take care of themselves.

They are going to need your full attention and care, they will totally depend on you. Here is some general advice, general because each species act differently and has different needs:

What do we need?

We need an aquarium, a thermometer, a heating system, a water filter, and plants to oxygenate the water, sand and little stones, and a source of light for the plants.

How do we actually do it?

Before placing the fish in the aquarium, the water needs to be left alone 24 hours and its temperature has to be of a minimum of 22-23 Celsius (it can differ for some species). The water is not changed all at the same time, it needs to be changes in several stages, 20% on each stage.

How do we feed fish?

Twice a day, we give them the dried food, the life food or the frozen one, depending on the species.

How do we treat sick fish?

The most common illness encountered amongst fish has as an exterior effect the apparition of some white pits on the flippers of the fish. In such situations, treatments are administrated in the aquarium to prevent the illness from spreading to the other fish too. For the right treatment, you have to go to a fish heath shop.
Another rule in fish illnesses of any type is to just raise the temperature of the water in the aquarium and to dissolve some salt in it.

Growing Vegetables

I can hear you thinking that you have no idea about growing vegetables. The truth is that you can easily learn enough to be growing useful crops very quickly, and each session spent in your garden teaches you even more. You will learn much that is unique to your own situation, such as local soil conditions, your particular aspect in relation to the sun, and oddities that relate to your local microclimate. You will learn most of this by getting out and giving it a go.

The taste of home grown vegetables is vastly superior to that of the commercially grown produce. Have you heard people complain that tomatoes no longer have any taste? They will have when you grow your own – you will never taste better. The lack of taste with the commercial crop is not all the fault of the growers, as they are under pressure to produce a crop, of uniform size and colour, to the schedule of the wholesale market, and ultimately the supermarket. You set your own schedule.

The freshness of your own crop is a big plus. Vegetables I have bought from the supermarket, and stored in the refrigerator, have started to become inedible after a few days. I have had home grown produce still fresh in the refrigerator after 2 weeks!

Typically, your home garden will produce a generous yield, and can readily help pay for the cost of growing them. You can effectively end up having free vegetables. Summer, especially, is usually a time of abundance, even glut, as family and friends leave your place with perhaps more produce than they had expected to see. A tip – when giving away fresh produce, try to limit your generosity – it is better to give a small amount to many rather than to give to the few more than they can actually use.

One of the turn-offs to trying something you have not done before is the intimidating flood of information (and misinformation) you will receive.

If you are browsing one of the major bookstores, you may find hundreds of books on the topic – which do you buy? To begin with, look for the simple, basic information. Do not bother with those full of jargon – you will learn the technical terms as you go.

You will hear folklore from the family, such as “Uncle Henry always put ... (you name it) ... on his ... (name it again)”. Folklore is part of our heritage, but there is no guarantee of its usefulness.
You will hear from the office genius, who has done nothing, but still knows all the answers - nod wisely, and then ignore him.

Plants evolved millions of years before humans, and they actually want to grow. It has been said that in many cases plants grow despite what we do to help them. If you provide the basics, and these are reasonable nutrition and regular watering, Mother Nature does the rest – let her work for you.

Contact Lenses

Far back in the history of mankind, in 1508, Leonardo da Vinci described and drew the sketch to express his idea of a contact lens. But it was in 1827 that Sir John Hershel, an English astronomer astounded the world with his idea of making a mold of a human eye so that a lens could be made to fit perfectly. Sixty years later in 1887. F.A. Muller, a German glassblower used these ideas to create the world’s first known contact lens.

Contact lenses are full contact optical accessories which rest directly on the cornea to facilitate a better and natural vision than contemporary spectacles. Distortion due to side vision and eye-lens distance is nullified in using contact lenses. With spectacles the eye-lens distance makes the size of the objects appear bigger or smaller than actual depending upon whether you are far sighted or near sighted.

Spectacles or eye glasses block the peripheral vision due to the frame. When you look sideways, upwards or downwards, you are looking outside the perimeter of the lens which makes you look at object without the eye glasses resulting in distorted or blurred vision because you are not looking through the optic zone. This is more so because of the smaller frames in vogue today. When you wear contact lenses, irrespective of which way you look, you are always looking through the optic zone resulting in perfect vision. Contact lenses are immune to scratches and easy breakage. They are also immune to fogging and will give clear vision even on a rainy day.

Contact lenses are basically of two kinds; Soft contact lenses and RGP (rigid gas permeable) contact lenses. Both these kinds of contact lenses can be used to correct all kinds of vision i.e. myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and presbyopia. Soft lenses are easier to wear and more comfortable while using initially, the reason why they are chosen by more than 80% users. RGP lenses are used only when you need to wear them continuously over a long period of time.

Choosing a contact lens depends upon the outcome of your optical examination by your ophthalmologist. It is always wise to inform him that you wish to use contact lenses and not spectacles, so that the ophthalmologist can test your eyes accordingly and make time to fit your contact lenses. This might be against your ophthalmologist’s preferences, as some of them do not recommend contact lenses unless you ask them especially for a set.

Wearing contact lenses is best suited to some people like sports persons, riders, acrobats etc. because they do not interfere in their professional life. Contact lenses can correct all kinds of vision as referred above. If you are in any of the above professions and prefer to wear glasses, you can wear contact lenses on the job and swap them for spectacles in your leisure time activities.

Cats Are Smart!

If the right definition for the term “Intelligence” would be “the ability to acquire and remember information and the capability to use them while solving different problems”, then the cat is definitely the most intelligent animal from all those surrounding us.

Try to put an adult cat in a room in which she has never been before and see how she is inspecting every corner of that room. This detailed search gives her valuable information about the environment, information that can even save her life in some cases. Actually, the curiosity specific to cats never harmed them, on the contrary it gave her the reputation of having nine lives!

We al know that the ability cats have to inspect surroundings is legendary, but, at the same time it has been proven that this ability is superior to that of any other domestic animal.

The intellectual capacity of the cat is demonstrated by her ability of using information she already has to pass safely through certain situations. Cats are capable of forming “learning methods”, a characteristic that was supposed to belong only to primates.

Cats learn through observation, imitation, trying and of course, mistakes, just like people. The stories with cats being able to open draws or cupboards are many, but there also are cats that can turn on the lights or use the toilet, and this is possible only by carefully observing the ones that know how to do these things, their owners.

Considering the fact that the cat is the most intelligent domestic animal, it is very important that the owner knows very clearly the limits of her cognitive processes, because conferring the pet human motives can cause damage and behavioral problems.

For example, a cat cannot reflect upon the past or think in perspective, so punishing her for something she has done only minutes earlier is useless, because the cat is not capable of connection the punishment with her actions. The same way, cants can’t claim revenge for a past punishment.

In conclusion, don’t underestimate the intelligence of your cat! Try and know better your pet and act in such a manner that living together can be a benefic experience for both of you.

Chocolate - Heart Medicine

An every day ratio of dark bitter chocolate could help prevent heart diseases, according to a study realized by a team of Swiss researchers. The Swiss researchers say that the anti-oxidants from chocolate could prevent the blood veins to become smaller and less wide.

The research team came to this conclusion after testing on a group of 20 volunteers, which were smokers without health problems. The subjects were asked not to eat any types of aliments rich in anti-oxidants such as apples, onion and cabbage and after that they were given 40 grams of different types of chocolate.

Two hours after consuming the chocolate, the echo-graph showed that black chocolate, with a cocoa percent of at least 74%, significantly improved the blood flow. Additionally, ulterior tests showed that the risk of encountering blood accidents and blockages has been decreased to half of the initial risk. However, white chocolate did not achieve similar effects. The researches that performed the study say that dark chocolate contain the biggest quantity of anti-oxidants for one gram than any other products like red vine, green tea or forests fruits.

Chocolate is indeed an aliment that has many anti-oxidant elements in it. But it also contains fats and glucoses in huge quantities. So, it can cause weight problems if excessively consumed.

The best thing to do is to adjust your chocolate portion to your actual weight and to the amount of physical effort you make everyday. Persons that are involved in a great deal of effort can consume chocolate without fearing weight problems. But the ones that don’t, like people working in offices, sitting all day on a chair and not doing any kind of sports are confronted with a big problem if they eat too much chocolate. If the organism doesn’t call for sweets, like it does when we are cold, tired or worn out, then the chocolate use should be reduced to a minimal portion a day.

Candle Making Basics

The use of candles for light and heat is known to have existed in ancient times. The remains of candles have been found in the caves of France. It is believed that cavemen used them while painting and etching on the walls. It is believed those candles where made out of animal fat. The Egyptians used candles as well by dripping beeswax onto leave stems. The burning process of a candle involves the four basic elements of matter which are solids, liquids, gas, and plasma.

Today candle making is a fun hobby or craft. For some, it is a very profitable business venture. Candle making provides you with they ability to create wonderful designs and crafts out of your candles. There is no limit to the shapes, sizes, and colors you can make your candles in. A candle is a device to provide light or fragrance. Candles have become very popular for the wonderful aromas more than for their ability to produce light. Some candles give off a popular smell such as vanilla or jasmine. Others smell like a chocolate cake or cinnamon rolls.

The body of a candle is generally made of paraffin wax. It can also be made out of beeswax. Paraffin wax is a natural wax that comes from plants. This wax can be purchased from Petroleum Refinery or the Specialty Wax Processor. Beeswax is also considered a natural wax, and is taken from honeybees. This is the substance the bees use to construct their honeycombs. A wick is placed in the center of the wax before it dries. The wick is made of cotton fibers that have been braided together. The wick is very thin, but also very powerful. Sometimes candle makers will use a wick that is wider than normal to increase the size of the flame.

Safety is a very important part of candle making. The temperature of the hot wax can result in severe burns. There is also the risk of fire. Make sure your candle making area is set up properly and that you have a fire extinguisher in the area. Clean up spills quickly as they will become very slick, leading to falls if you walk across them.

To make candle making fun instead of frustrating, start will making simple candles. This is a great opportunity for you to discover what works well with your set up and gives you the chance to make necessary changes. Initially, work at implementing good safety habits and melting your wax at the proper temperatures. You will also want to experiment with your cooling process. Once you have these areas down, you will start to relax and the process will become more natural to you. This is the right time to start experimenting with dyes, scents, and shapes for your candles.

The candle making process is easy to follow if you take your time and learn from your mistakes. Those who are impatient and take multitasking to an extreme will most likely not enjoy the art of candle making. However, it is very enjoyable by those who have plenty of time to take with the process and who enjoy creating things. Candle making supplies aren’t expensive so use the best you can. This will also help ensure your candles form well and burn properly.

Rock Collecting: A Hobby that's "Hard" to Resist

Rock collecting is a fascinating hobby for kids and adults alike. While rocks are common, cheap, and found everywhere, the variety is huge. Collected rocks can be displayed in many ways, from rock gardens to neatly kept showcases, making rock collecting a versatile hobby.

When rock collecting, you will soon find out that rocks can be categorized as one of three types. A sedimentary rock formed when sediments, such as sand or silt, were pressed together under their own weight or the weight of water, and eventually became solid. An igneous rock is one that was formed by volcanic activity. The third type of rock for rock collecting is the metamorphic rock, which is like a sedimentary rock which has been changed through intense heat and pressure.

Another type of rock collecting is collecting minerals, gems, and crystals. Pure minerals are not technically the same thing as rocks, but they fit well in rock collections. Minerals include things like pyrite, also known as fool's gold, and quartzite, which looks almost like a diamond.

For some people, rock collecting consists of saving a pretty rock from different places they visit and keeping it as a souvenir. If these rocks are large, they can be used to outline the driveway or start a rock garden. If they are small, they can line a windowsill. Label them with a fine point marker if desired. Include the date and location the rock was found.

The souvinir type of rock collecting does not require much scientific investigation, but identifying rocks and minerals does. The different types of rock can sometimes be differentiated easily. For instance, sedimentary rocks often look like particles glued together. Sandstone is a common example of this. They also sometimes have visible flat layers. Metamorphic rocks, on the other hand, sometimes have layers, but those layers have been bent so that they are no longer laying flat across the rock.

When rock collecting, the igneous rocks make some of the most exciting finds. Obsidian is an igneous rock that looks like a broken piece of black glass. It is shiny and hard, and was used to make arrowheads in the past by the native Americans. Pumice is another interesting igneous rock which is porous, making it so light that it will float. This stone is used for cleaning and rubbing calluses off people's feet.

Keep in mind when rock collecting that different regions of the world have different types of rocks. In the American Midwest, for instance, there are many sedimentary stones, but metamorphic and igneous rocks are less common. In the Appalacians, on the other hand, you can find metamorphic rocks such as gneiss and schist. Wherever you live, though, you are sure to find rock collecting a hobby that's hard to resist!

Paper Crafts: Scrapbook and Greeting Card Basics

Paper crafts are a popular pastime right now. Scrapbooking is a fun way to display pictures and chronicle family history. Other paper crafts include making greeting cards and even making hand made papers.

When getting started at paper crafts, it is easy to spend a lot of money! Go easy at first until you know what sort of paper craft products you are likely to use. For instance, you may find that you love using stickers in scrapbooks, but rarely use your rubber stamps. If this is the case, you would be better off spending more on stickers and less on rubber stamps for your paper crafts.

Almost everyone has at least some of their photographs stored somewhere in a shoe box. Scrapbooks are a great way to get those photos out where people can enjoy them. You will need a loose leaf binder, some plastic page protectors, and some colored cardstock for starters. Many paper crafts experts insist on only archival quality materials. Check the labels as you buy. Most paper products, even the cheaper ones, are labeled "acid-free," which means that it shouldn't fade or otherwise deteriorate if stored for a long time. Sunlight will bleach almost anything, but your paper crafts should not be out in the sunlight very often.

To start a scrapbook you have several options. You can select photos that all relate to one event, such as a trip or a child's participation in sports. This type of scrapbook will be short, but can be designed around a theme. This is a good choice if your photos are not in a jumble. If they are, then you may wish to choose 3 or 4 photos around a general theme, and change the theme for each page. You may want to include some 2 page spreads in your scrapbook.

Attach your photos to the cardstock with double-sided tape squares or a gluestick. Then it's time to decorate the page with stickers, paper shapes, or rubber stamped designs. In addition, you can use a colored gel pen to write dates, names, and other highlights about the activities in the pictures.

Other items are available in paper crafts stores. These includes die cuts, which are pieces of paper already cut into shapes and objects. There are also special scissors that cut paper with an interesting edge. A pair of the type called "deckle" scissors is very useful for making elegant looking scrapbook pages, greeting cards, and other paper crafts. If you also have an old pair of pinking shears that are too dull to cut fabric, you can use those for cutting out shapes and photos.

Many paper crafts enthusiasts begin with scrapbooking, but then branch out to making their own greeting cards. Greeting cards may or may not have an original poem written on the inside. A simple "Happy Birthday," "Get Well Soon," or even just "Hi!" is enough to brighten someone's day, so don't worry about not being a good enough writer to make your own greeting cards. Rubber stamps often make beautiful greeting cards. You can even attach small ribbons, beads, and other items to hand made cards. A handmade card is sure to please anyone, whether they are interested in paper crafts or not.

How to Comfort Your Child Following a Nightmare

Nightmares and night terrors can be equally frightening for both child and parent, especially when they start happening frequently. Nightmares occur during the REM (rapid eye movement) phase of sleep. They might vary in length, but the child will usually remember what the nightmare was about. Night terrors, on the other hand, happen about an hour or two after the child has gone to sleep, and can last anywhere from a few moments to an hour. They happen during the non-REM part of sleep, and even though his eyes are wide open, the child is asleep the entire time. When he awakens though, he’ll have no memory of it.

But there are things you can do before your child goes to sleep and after he awakens from one of these to help calm and comfort him. Ensure that the period before bedtime is a calm, quiet and relaxing time for everyone. Babies find the voices of their parents very soothing, so talk quietly to your child before he goes to sleep, perhaps by softly singing a lullaby or telling a short story. This will also help after the child wakes. It’s important for mom and dad to remain calm. If you’re tense, your baby will sense that and it will make it even more difficult to get him settled down again. Be sure your can clearly hear your child if he cries out in the night. Baby monitors work great for this reason. It’s important to get to your little one as soon as possible in order to comfort and reassure him. If you should hear him cry out, don’t wake him if he hasn’t woken up on his own. Stay with him to make sure he goes back to sleep peacefully, or wait for him to wake up. Don’t let him sleep with you after a nightmare, either. This may end up having a negative effect and giving the impression he should be afraid of his own room and bed. If it becomes habit, it could become a difficult one to break.

Puppet Art in Asia

Puppet Art is popular in many countries of Asia. Indonesian Puppet shadow play was known as Wayang Kulit which originated from Bali and Java. The term Wayang Kulit has been derived from the words “Warang” meaning ghost or shadow and “Kulit” meaning leather and when put together meant shadow from leather. They used two-dimensional figures, flat and round and were made with the hide of a buffalo. The sticks attached to these figures were planted in the banana stems which were placed beneath a cloth screen onto which the shadow of the puppet was casted. The right side of the stage was occupied by the good characters; where as the left side was occupied by the wrong doers. They are maneuvered by puppeteers know as “Dalang”. Puppet art was very exhausting at that time, the show used to go on for nine hours in the night with the puppeteer sitting cross-legged without a wink. He was even expected to play Rebab, the two-stringed violin, with one hand and handle the Chempala or the strings of the puppet with another hand. The themes of these shows were the Javanese versions of the two hundred stories from Hindu epics Ramayana and Mahabharata which are referred to as Rama cycle and Pandawa cycle respectively. The puppet show involving three-dimensional puppets were known as Wayang Golek.

Shadow puppetry took its full form in Tang Dynasty. That era was known as “The Age of 1000 Entertainments”. The two different kinds of puppetry are Cantonese and Pekingese. They differ in the production of the puppets and the way by which these puppets are being positioned with the help of rods, though the theme is same in both the techniques, that is, they revolve around stories with elements of adventurous fiction. Thick leather was used in the manufacturing of Cantonese puppets, so as to create a good shadow. The colors were used to represent different characters. A brave man had a red facial color where as an honest character had a black face. The rod was attached perpendicularly to the head of the puppet to make them less visible during the shadow performance. The puppets were bigger than Pekingese puppets. On the other hand the Pekingese puppets were more petite and were made out of thin and translucent leather which made them more fragile. They were equally good for the shadow performance as they were colored very vividly. Thin rods were attached to the neck of the figure and weren’t visible during the performance. The Chinese puppeteers had a superstition that the puppets will come to life at night if the head was kept intact with the body. So the head was separated from the body and the body was stored in a box. With respect to time, shadow puppetry started flourishing and reached its prime in the eleventh century.

Puppetry blossomed in the Indian villages and became an integral part of the folk culture. The puppets of India can be broadly classified as rod, thread, shadow and glove puppets which are made out of material like leather, wood, wool or cloth. Usually these puppets have a small body with an outstanding head with large eyes to add charm and personality. The villain has characteristic dark goggle eyes; the hero of the story has light eyes. Hands are made out of cloth bags stuffed with hands and most of the puppets have no legs which are substituted by a long robe. Exceptions are the ones who have to ride horses. The male puppets are made to wear turbans and chase the bad guy, fight and even fall dead and the female puppets have braided ponytails and hold their skirts in their hand while dancing. The head-puppeteer moves the puppets with the help of strings or rods and usually provides the voice and the female voices and songs are provided by his wife and kids. Denizens of the states Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,
Kerala, Orissa and Rajasthan are well known to have mastered the art of puppetry. The drawback of puppetry is that it lacks facial expression. Exaggeration and distortion should be provided to achieve the best results. But the humor provided is incomparable which make this irreplaceable art unique in itself.

Modern Radio Hobbyists

An amateur radio is called a Ham radio, and the operator is called as an amateur radio operator. They pursue the ham radio operation as a hobby, and it is a vastly popular hobby at that.

The origin of the word “ham” for an amateur radio operator is rather interesting. “Ham” was used to mean anybody who was NOT efficient or talented in the field. In the early days, the amateur operators had a notorious reputation for sending in garbled Morse code. So, these amateur operators were called by many names including “ham” as opposed to the professional wireless operators. But, over time, the name stuck up for the amateur radio operators and now it is no longer used in its initial derogatory way.

The hobby of amateur radio operators was also of public service during many times. In 1920 Amateur Police Radio was instituted to help “relay” information on crimes and thefts of vehicles and was very successful. Apart from using ham radio to connect to friends, families, they also connect to complete strangers. The ham operators have time and again been of great service during emergencies and disasters like earth quakes and other natural disasters in transmitting reliable real time information about the condition and for the speedy movement and dispersal of the relief measures. This is a great public service since during these emergencies the only thing that works is the radio! The phone lines severed, other communication methods are ruled out and it is common for even the mobile networks to be clogged in traffic during these emergencies leaving hams as a great tool. There have been many documented evidence of the ham radio enthusiasts helping someone in trouble or helping to locate and nab a criminal.

Thus, the first radio hobby started out as amateur radio operation. It was restricted to few miles and must be relayed across. Now, all powerful and advanced radio equipments are still evolving and improving. So, one does not need to rely on relay anymore but can almost connect to half way across the world as opposed to the initial days.

The amateur radio has become very organized since the first clubs of 1909. Each has a unique identifiable code by which they are known. The first hobbyists relied on communication by making connections to as many radio operators who were as distant as possible, with their meager equipment. Usually they were constantly upgrading it. This was called Dxing, when one would try to connect to as many amateur radio operators as possible. The radio enthusiasts are on the look out for constant updates and most are proficient in the wireless technology. Even though they now get ready-made ham equipments, most are known to have a good knowledge of the working of the ham equipment as well as minor repairs and such.

In the day of the mobiles, internet, and blue-tooth, ham radio has its own place and reputation. After all, the disasters and emergencies have themselves to be a special place that the radio transmission can come in handy. There is also the family radio service, also known as the Walkie Talkie to operate within around about 2-3 miles. A modification of the same is used when the parents can fix a transmitter to a child’s bag or pocket, and when the child walks out of the range, the parents are sent an alarm! As you can see, radio usage is not just limited to hobbies, but it spans across many different useful purposes.

All About Padlocks

We all remember the days of the padlock. When they were first available, they presented a great way to keep your belongings safe. They were common with lockers at school, with just about every locker having one. Padlocks were easy to open as well; all you needed was the combination. Once you had the combination, all it took was three clockwise turns, two counterclockwise, and once last clockwise turn to hit the final number and open the padlock.

Although the combination padlock was popular for it’s time, people soon began to realize what happened when they forgot the combination. Combination padlocks were great for those who had a sharp memory although sooner or later forgetting the combination was bound to happen. Once the combination had been lost, a pair of bolt cutters would be required in order to cut the lock.

Shortly after the combination padlock came the padlocks of today – lock and key. Padlocks that required a key were much easier to use, requiring no combination. All you had to do was keep the key with you at all times and you had no worries about the padlock. If you ended up losing the key however, you would need to cut the lock. To prevent losing the key, most people chose to put the padlock key on their key ring or wear it on a necklace around their neck.

The most popular type of padlock today is Master Lock. The Master Lock brand has been around for generations, proving to be the hardest type of lock to break. It’s been well proven and well documented that guns can’t harm Master Locks. Even if you shoot the lock dead on with a shotgun or handgun, the lock won’t give. Master Locks are made of solid high grade steel and won’t give way to a few shots from a gun. Although they may sustain damage from the blast, they will still be there once the shooting has stopped – protecting what you have them locked to.

Although Master Locks are the most popular and most common type of padlock, there are other types available as well. Multi-Lock, Medeco, and KW are all excellent examples of quality padlocks. These locks feature unique and innovative designs that are near impossible for thieves to get rid of. You can use them around the house to keep doors locked, safes locked, cabinets locked, and virtually anything else that contains your possessions.

The best thing about padlocks is the fact that they are very affordable. You can find them in virtually any department or hardware store. You can shop online as well, and compare what each company lock will offer you. The next time you need to lock up something and you need a small lock – you can count on one of the many padlocks to give you the protection and safety you need.

When Is The Best Time To Be At Disneyland?

When you are planning your Disneyland vacation, you should note that some days are better than, others at the park. The days that you choose to be there will depend greatly on whether you are more interested in attractions or entertainment – or both.

For instance, Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s are the days when you will have shorter lines for the attractions, because there will be fewer people there. On the other hand, the entertainment on those nights cannot compare to the entertainment that is offered on the weekends. If entertainment is important, plan your visit to Disneyland for the

If you will be at Disneyland for several days, however, plan to ride the attractions on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, and then enjoy the entertainment, as well as the other things the park has to offer on the other days. If you are visiting during the off-season, you should note that entertainment usually isn’t offered on weekdays. Also remember that the park really fills up as the day wears on, so try to ride the attractions in the morning if possible!

Finding Blogs to Read

There is a wide variety of blogs currently available. Internet users are fortunate to have a large number of blogs to choose from when seeking a blog to read regularly. There are also often many blogs available which cover a particular subject. Blogs can be about any subject imaginable. Some blogs are created to entertain while others are created to inform. Some blogs are created to generate a profit while other blogs are created to help others. With so many blogs currently available online it can be difficult to determine which blogs are worth reading and which are not. It can also make it difficult to limit the number of blogs the Internet user reads. This article will provide information on finding and selecting blogs to read including using search engines to find blogs, finding blogs through participation in message boards and seeking recommendations for blogs from friends or family members.

Using Search Engines to Find Blogs

Search engines are one of the most reliable resources Internet users often rely on to find useful websites. However, it is important to note search engines can also be extremely helpful for Internet users who are interested in finding blogs to read. An Internet user who is looking for a blog on a particular subject can start the process of finding these blogs by entering relevant keywords or phrases into a popular search engine and carefully reviewing the results provided for this search. However, this type of search will not necessarily provide the Internet users with blogs. In fact the search results may not include a blog on any of the first few pages in the search results despite returning pages upon pages of links to useful websites.

One simple way the Internet user can use search engines to find blogs relating to a particular subject is to include the word blog with the keywords or phrases entered into the search engine. This will help to filter the search results and may push blogs towards the front of search results. However, Internet users are better off searching for collections of blogs and then searching within these collections for ones of interest.

Finding Blogs on Message Boards

Many Internet users rely on message boards to find interesting and informative blogs. This is because many message board participants who have a blog often find ways to make others aware of this blog. This may either be through the process of incorporating a link to the blog in the message board user’s signature or, when appropriate, supplying the link to the blog directly in the message body of a post on the message board. Although many bloggers may take advantage of the opportunity to promote their own blog through message boards, those who are interested in finding new blogs will likely not have time to review all of these blogs. Therefore, it is wise for these Internet users to be somewhat discriminating about the blogs they choose to visit. One way to do this is to only visit blogs of regular forum posters who offer valuable information to the conversations on the message board. The Internet user may also wish to avoid blogs which appear to be posted as spam. This is important because these blogs are not only likely poor quality but also visiting these blogs only encourages the blog owner to continue to spam message boards with his link.

Seeking Recommendations for Blogs

Finally, Internet users who are seeking blogs to read on a regular basis can consider seeking recommendations from friends or family members who share a particular interest. Friends or family members who are interested in the same subject as you may already regularly read blogs relevant to this interest. Asking them for recommendations is worthwhile because they have no reason to do anything but recommend blogs they really enjoy and assume you will be interested in as well. Also, this method of finding blogs is ideal because your friends and family members likely know your tastes and expectations well and will likely steer you in the right direction.

Anger Management in Children

Anger, a normal emotion, can transform into something painful and ugly. First thoughts of anger issues may bring about images of a couple fighting, a parent abusing a child, a teenager lashing out at a teacher or a parent. Rarely will images of angry children come to mind. Unfortunately children, at very young ages, have to deal with feelings of anger and rage. This is a truth which is often difficult to understand or manage.

Children, young children especially, aren't normally aware of how they feel. When a child becomes upset or mad they simply show these emotions through their behavior. A good example of this might be the little boy in the supermarket who throws a tantrum because he's upset. Many parents have had to deal with similar situations. It is unfortunate that often times these occurrences are overlooked or dismissed because they are "just children". Anger management in children is as important, or perhaps even more important than anger management in adults.

A child requires instruction and guidance from their coming into the world to their entry into adulthood. The things they learn throughout their young lives are likely to form the person they become as an adult. For this reason anger management in children with difficulties controlling their temper is extremely important. Finding ways to teach anger management in children might present challenges.

There are programs designed specifically for children with anger management issues. Finding one that works for a particular child might require testing many methods. Not all children will respond to the same treatments for anger management in children. Because a child cannot always relate their feelings surrounding angry outburst, finding the right approach may take some time. Until the issue is resolved or at least controlled, it is imperative to continue the search.

Young children may respond well to worksheets, games and fun activities. All of these can be used effectively to teach anger management in children. Developing programs which incorporate each of these might be the best route to take. A child completing a worksheet, coloring sheet or participating in games and activities with underlying messages regarding anger management, may not even realize they are working on their problem. Making the activity fun doesn't mean that the anger issue has to be left out. Choosing fun activities which teach healthy interaction and decision making might be good for anger management in children. Teaching them to take turns and helping them to learn that they can't always be the best or the winner would definitely make a difference when confrontational situations arise. Little activities which instill values and positive thinking would be beneficial for anger management in children.

If a child is old enough to talk about their anger problem, encouraging them to share their feelings is important. Suggesting they talk to someone who they feel comfortable with and trust is a good idea regarding anger management in children. Asking them to write or draw about their emotions may be able to help disclose their underlying issues, whether fear, hurt or sadness. Teaching them to ask for help when they feel threatened or angry would certainly help the child with a problem. The important detail to realize when considering anger management in children are they are just "children". Their minds are not equipped to handle big people situations and so they will require a more careful approach.

How You Can Find Free Fashion Tips Online

Are you interested in improving your fashion sense? If you are, you are definitely not alone. In fact, that is why a large number of individuals end up spending hundreds of dollars a year, if not more, on fashion magazines. Although fashion magazines are a great way to familiarize yourself with the latest fashions, as well as get some great fashion tips and advice, did you know that you can also use the internet? If you haven’t yet tried, you may want to think about using the internet to find free fashion tips online.

When it comes to finding free fashion tips online, you may be wondering how you can go about doing so. In all honesty, there are an unlimited number of different ways that you can go about finding free fashion tips online. One of those ways is by visiting the online websites of popular, well-known fashion magazines. Many popular fashion magazines, like Vogue and Glamour, have online websites. These online websites are often filled with free fashion tips, advice, and information on the latest fashion trends. In fact, you often get access to a few of the articles that are found in the printed magazine version. The online website of a fashion magazine is often the magazine’s name and then .com, but you can also find the online website by performing a standard internet search.

Speaking of performing a standard internet search, you can also perform a standard internet search to find online fashion magazines. Online fashion magazines are often like the popular printed magazines, but the format is online only. One of the best ways to go about finding an online fashion magazine is by performing a standard internet search. You may want to think about searching with phrase like “online fashion magazine,” or “online fashion magazines.” It is not uncommon to find online fashion magazines that want you to pay a small fee, but it is more than possible for you to actually find a number of free online fashion magazines. If you don’t mind reading articles or viewing fashion pictures online, online fashion magazines are a nice, cheap way for you to improve your fashion sense.

Another way that you can get free fashion tips online also involves performing a standard internet search. Instead of searching for online fashion magazines, you will want to search for online websites. There are a large number of online websites that are designed to provide you with free fashion tips. These websites may not always be updated on a regular basis, but they are often a nice, free way to learn about the latest in the fashion world. In fact, you will also find that a large number of online fashion websites have online message boards or online message forums. These are little communities where you can interact and talk about fashion with other internet users. Online message boards and forums make learning about fashion not only free, but also fun and exciting.

As a reminder, you can buy printed fashion magazines if you wish to do so, but you may want to think about getting information on the fashion industry, as well as fashion tips and advice online, as it is free to do. It is also important to mention the information that you will find; you are more likely to find more fashion tips online than you are in a printed magazine that can cost you around five dollars an issue.

Diamond Scams

When it comes to diamonds, there are numerous scams to avoid. Most scams are minor, but there are some major ones that come up from time to time concerning the buying and selling of diamonds. Scams occur simply because most people who buy diamonds – for whatever reasons – don’t know that much about diamonds. Therefore, they are easily fooled.

A common scam that most jewelry stores participate in is the Carat Total Weight scam. The tag on the piece of jewelry, usually a ring, only states the total carat weight of all diamonds in the piece, instead of listing the total weights separately for each diamond. This leads consumers to believe that the main diamond in the piece is actually bigger than it is. Ask what the total carat weight of the center stone is. Also beware of fractions. Jewelry stores are allowed to round off diamond weights. This means that if the jeweler tells you that it is a ¾ carat diamond, it is probably between ½ and ¾ carat – but closer to ¾.

Jewelry stores often run ‘fluorescence’ scams to varying degrees. Referring to a diamond as a blue-white diamond is such a scam. A blue-white diamond sounds very unique and special, but in fact, this type of diamond is of lesser quality – even though the jeweler will try to make you think you are getting something special. Jewelry stores also like to show their diamonds in bright
lights. Lights make diamonds shine. Ask to see the diamond in a different, darker type of lighting as well.

Some truly unscrupulous jewelers target those who want appraisals on diamonds that were given to them as gifts or that were purchased elsewhere. They will try to tell you that the diamond is worthless, or worth less than it actually is worth – and offer to take it off your hands or trade it for a much better diamond, along with the cash to make up the difference. This is called low balling. Get a second, third, and even a forth opinion before taking any action.

Another common dirty trick is to switch the diamond you have chosen and paid for with one of lesser quality and value when you leave it to be set in a piece of jewelry, or leave a diamond ring to be sized. The only way to avoid this is to do business with one trustworthy jeweler. Avoid jewelers that you have not done business with in the past.

There are many more scams that jewelry stores commonly pull on unsuspecting consumers. Just use your best judgment, and purchase your diamonds with the utmost care and consideration.

Acupunture With Stimulator, Alternative Cure For Stroke Survivors

Stroke survivors now turn to traditional Chinese cures combined with modern technology to speed up recovery and reclaim their lives. Chinese medical theory cites that excesses or deficiencies in food intake, work, exercise, emotions, and so on, can cause illness. More people are discovering just how effective modern alternative health and therapeutic treatment is in healing ailment raging from tension and fatigue to pain and serious illness like strokes.

Majority of stroke patients are left with some forms of permanent disability that interferes with normal daily activities, such as walking, speech, vision, understanding, reasoning and memory. To ease their condition there is various treatments and rehabilitation involves using a mirror. It is believed that if a person who has had a stroke watches how the unaffected side of his or her body moves, it can give visual clues to help the person move the affected side.

Traditional Chinese medicine which is acupuncture employs the additional use of a machine to stimulate the needles and, in effect, provide relief where needed. Acupuncture is one Chinese treatment, which has been intensively researched on, challenged and corroborated by western doctors. The journal of American Association of Anatomist indicated that acupuncture points correspond to areas where connective tissues are thickest and which contains many nerve endings. Far from being a fleeting trend, acupuncture has become an accepted health care practice. It involves science intersecting with nature.

Electrotherapy is among the services, which offers holistic and integrated approach based on the intrinsic flow- and – energy balance theory of health and healing. It has proven to be a very effective treatment, especially when administered within one year after a person suffers a stroke. It is able to help improve blood circulation, speech, and motor facilities. A stoke is a brain damage cause by lack of blood flow to a portion of the brain. It results in permanent damage to the brain tissue- and in many cases permanent disability for the patient. In addition to physical consequences like speech disability and paralysis, stroke survivors often deal with the psychological effects, like feeling depressed, angry and frustrated at their inability to perform tasks that, before the stroke were easy or automatic.

The person’s general ability to take part in a rehabilitation program after the stroke is important consideration when decisions are being made about rehabilitation. Rehabilitation begins as soon as possible after a person is admitted to the hospital

The 5 Animals Of Kung Fu

Also known as the Kung Fu fist forms, the 5 animals of Kung Fu are known all across the world, and are some of the deadliest martial arts you can study. There are other specific fist styles in Kung Fu, although none of them are as powerful or as well known as the 5 animal styles. As the name implies, these forms were derived from the animals in which they got their names from.

The Dragon Claw
The Dragon Claw is very well known, with the Chinese believing that this style comes directly from the ancient dragon. This style uses an open hand technique that is used for controlling the opponent through grabbing and throwing. Using an open hand technique, stylists may also use the fingers to poke as well. Dragon Claw is very fast, very hard to defend against - and nearly impossible to predict.

The Leopard Claw
The Leopard Claw style utilizes a half opened fist. The ideal striking method with Leopard is the ridge of the hand, which is formed by folding the fingers towards the palm of the hand, with the palm being the backup or secondary striking method. Leopard Claw is very fast as well, and very lethal if the stylist has enough technique and power behind his strikes.

The Tiger Claw
Tiger Claw uses an open hand movement that is used for tearing and grabbing. Tiger Claw is the most well known of the 5 animal system, and also one of the most well known forms of Kung Fu as well. It isn’t affected by simply grabbing and gripping with the hand, but from the digging of the fingernails deep into the skin. Once the fingernails have been embedded in the opponent’s skin, the Tiger Claw stylist can shred the skin right off the bone, tearing the opponent apart. Tiger Claw is very powerful - and one of the deadliest forms in the world of martial arts.

The Snake Head
Snake Head resembles the attack of a snake in combat, using an open hand technique which requires the fingers to be held together tight, fully extended. The tips of the finger form a very hard surface, used to attack the softest and most vital areas of the opponent. In order to be effective, both hands need to be used together at the same time.

The Crane Beak
Crane involves the fingers being pressed together tightly, forming a striking surface at the base of the stylist’s fingertips. Although the fingers can be conditioned to a high level of strength, most attacks using the Crane technique are focused towards the most vital areas of an opponent.

The 5 animal styles of Kung Fu are very popular, and very deadly. Martial artists that know any of these forms are very deadly - and more than capable of defending themselves against anything that comes their way.

Malaysian Theater Arts

In the land of Malaysia, theater arts developed in the east Javanese kingdoms. During the eleventh century the capital of Javanese kingdom was shifted from Prambanan located in central Java to Jenggla located in eastern Java. This kingdom was divided into four parts namely Jenggala, Kediri, Ngurawan and Singasari . The four sons of the King Airlangga named King Lembu Amiluhur, King Lembu Amerdadu, King Lembu Mangarang and King Amijaya, respectively, ruled each of them. There are three forms of Malaysian theater arts namely Wayang Orang or performance by human actors, Wayang kulit or shadow puppetry, Wayang golek or three dimentional puppetry and classical court dance known as Karaton. And they flourished separately in each kingdom.

The other name for Wayang Orang is Wayang Wong that involves human actors performing live on stage in a musical dance drama. “Wong” or “Orang” means a man or a woman respectively. It was nurtured in the Kingdom of King Lembu Amiluhur. His son Raden Panji Asmarabangun was a renowned artist in himself. He taught this art to all his relatives. The storyline of the play revolved around the Jenggala Kingdom and Hindu mythologies Mahabharata and Ramayana. Another variety of Wayang Orang is Wayang Topeng or Wayang Gedog where the artists wear mask during the performance. Majapahit Kingdom was another kingdom that played a vital role in the recognition of Wayang wong as the King Hayam Wuruk was a performer of this art himself. There are five categories of the pattern of dance according to build and movements. Alus, which involves graceful and soft movements required performers to have a light physique. Gagah had more sportive moves and the artists were expected to have a slim and tall physique. Kasar was meant for actors with huge build and the movements were rough. Gecul had subcategories Ponokawan and Cantrik. Dengklik involved actors playing the role of monkey warrior. The dresses differ with different gods, kings, ksatrias, princesses, begawans and warriors. According to the role being played forty-five accessories are being used.

There were separate dance movements for the female actors. The movements made by the females are known as Nggruda that had nine basic movements known as Joged Pokok and additional twelve movements known as Joged Gubahan. These art forms at first were meant only for the royal families. Many kings and their relatives used to perform plays written on their ancestors in order to honor them. Poor people had no access to these plays.

Under reign of King Airlangga, great encouragement was given to various arts forms and that is when puppet art began evolving. Wayang purwa or Wayang kulit involves two-dimensional puppets made from the skin of goat or buffalo. They are flat and usually round in shape. The shadow of these puppets is cast on a translucent cloth screen with the help of lighted lamps. They are controlled by bamboo sticks attached to their body that are planted in banana stems located underneath the screen.

Wayang golek involves three-dimensional puppets that are controlled by the puppeteers from the top. These puppets are usually made out of wood or leather with some kind of stuffing. UNESCO honored the Wayang puppets in the year 2003 as “The Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” saying that it is one of the unique forms of theater arts and thus should be protected.

Karaton is the classical court dance. Karaton can be performed either in-group known as Yogyakarta or it can be also performed as solo. Some of the dances were performed on a daily basis in the court and some were meant only for special occasions like festivals and functions.
Prambanan Ramayana ballet is the special dance involving around two hundred dancers who dance for two whole hours. It is held under a full moon during the spring season. The eight-century Prambanan temple is painted in the background and gamelan music is played.

Superfoods for Super Sex

Every aspect of a food - its color, shape, scent and texture – can make it sexy. In addition, certain foods contain substances that make us feel good by interacting with our hormones or stimulating our brain. Consider incorporating some of the following into your next candlelight dinner to help you and your partner get in the mood.

Oysters are a good source of minerals like selenium and zinc, and are also high in protein. A perfect appetizer to a beautiful meal – but be careful when purchasing, as some can have high levels of pollutants and PCB. If you’re pregnant, oysters should be avoided.

Chocolate has been a symbol of love and lust for centuries due to theobromine, a stimulant to the brain that creates a pleasurable effect. Chocolate also contains antioxidants that may lower cancer and heart disease risk. However, chocolate is also very high in fat, so self-restraint should be exercised. Dark chocolates are usually lower in sugar, but higher in antioxidants and theobromine than milk chocolate.

Kiwi and papaya are colorful fruits have an alluring and interesting aspect about them that can help flip the switch. Loaded with antioxidants, tropical fruits help fend off heart disease and cancers. Kiwi actually has more vitamin C in it than an orange, and papaya is rich in beta-carotene and high in fiber.

Honey was thought in medieval times to sweeten the marriage when mixed into a drink. Bear in mind, however, it’s still pretty high in sugar, so use sparingly.

Asparagus can also help get your partner in the mood. It’s one of the few good sources of vitamin E and is a natural diuretic. Steaming is the best way to prepare them without losing nutrients, and they can easily be eaten by hand.

A good cup of coffee or tea after that romantic dinner stimulates the release of epinephrine, which contributes to stimulation in the body. It can also be found in dark chocolate. Just don’t consume too much caffeine before bed, unless you plan on being awake all night long!